
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

In the beginning of these messages; I wrote, that I in a few weeks, should try to write something briefly about this. The first comparison I now get in my thoughts; is that these messages, have been written in a corresponding way, as how a donkey walks after a carrot on a stick in front of its head. The typical picture of a donkey with a stick fastened on its back, which goes over its head, with a carrot hanging in a line in front of its eyes. And how the donkey walks and walks after the carrot, without reaching the carrot.

This is a little especial, because after I have written this first comparison; there come some other thoughts immediately afterwards. That is, that such a carrot in my mind; is my daughter, who I shall know about; and my wife, which I not shall know about. And this is the basic motivation, which these criminals have done their manipulated influences on the basis of. Further; these manipulated influences have been put together with other motivational factors, which are hidden in my subconsciousness.

The step by step principle, by using such motivational factors, is also clear for me now. After they have motivated me to the first step, because of such factors, it is possible to motivate me to the second step, which not had been possible before the first step. By doing this again and again, it is possible for them to start with one motivation, which in the end has been turned around to the opposite. When such things are hidden in the subconsciousness; it is difficult to understand. It is also correct to say; that it is impossible to understand, if you not have any suspicion about something like this.

God is also a factor these criminals have used, as a motivational factor. And that is a terrible dangerous factor, if they get the control over it.

The possibility to make memory images, about happenings which not have happened; to use that as motivation, is also a dangerous possibility these criminals use.

David H. Hegg